better now, but...(life after Ich)

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 28, 2012
upstate ny
Hello again, I posted a thread about 6 weeks ago regarding our "Ich ordeal, trial by fire..." and got some very good advice. Everyone but the hippo tang is back home in the DT after leaving it fallow, and everyone there is fine, its been almost 2 wks now, no sign of Ich. We treated the tang for almost three weeks in a 29 gal tank treated with cupramine at.5...10 days ago we started filtering out the copper, and did a 30% water change. She is no longer bumping and rubbing, and seems Ich free. I am perhaps over-cautious, but we are going to wait two more days or so before putting her back, to be absolutely sure. Is this sufficient?

My other questions is: She is scarred from rubbing and took us almost two months, first trying Kick Ich, then hypo salinity, then the copper to cure her...and she suffered as the other treatments ultimately failed. She doesnt have to be pretty for us to love her, but will her scars go away? On the front of her face, and a little on the sides, her beautiful blue looks as though it has been rubbed off, no white, just a sort of dk grey. She seems happy, eats great, and doesnt hide any more. There is absolutely no bumping and rubbing, just swimming :)

Her water is good, ph 8.2, amm 0, nitrites 0, hardness 10, nitrates 40...

Also, on another note, we added a very expensive UV light, with a timer, on our DT and the algae is getting crazy, both on the glass and in the tank. We have 65lbs live rock, 3 urchins, one cola-something anenome (was cheap, but very cool, and the guys seem to like him), a spotted boxfish, a long nose butterfly, two clowns and a purple psuedo. Will the hippo eat some of that algae when we put her back? Nitrates are a bit high in there too, did a big water change and they didnt go down, are up around 60-80. any suggestions? water otherwise ph 8.4, amm 0, nitrites 0, hardness 9. Everyone happy, eating, looking good. Thanx again for being here.
glad your fish are cured, that cupramine is great stuff. I was always battling high nitrates myself so about three months ago I started dosing vodka mine went from around 80 to around 10 give or take. Also what test kit are you using I was using api and my readings were high bought a salifert and they dropped by 30.
I would do some more water changes to get those nitrates down. :)

not sure about the hippo's scars though, I think theres a good chance they may fade a bit but probably won't go away entirely. I could be wrong though, just keep algae in the tank for the tang and keep him well fed.

has the UV helped with the algae yet? They are supposed to knock it out pretty quick.
good advice...

Yes, I am using an API test kit, will try the other, thank you. I also bought a tap water test kit...just a hunch but we have well water and its possible there are nitrates in my tap.

Also, the algae is SINCE the UV light was added...never had so much before. Its a SolarXtreme T5 HO Quad lighting system, and the tank looks amazing...even has 8 LED moonlights. but the algae growth...oy.

And Gilda? the tang...has it been long enough? I'm probably projecting, but she seems so lonely...and not much green in her tank except what I add to her food.
Oh yeah, and vodka?

Dosing Vodka? what is the theory behind this and how do I do it? I'll try anything to keep the tank healthy...I read algae feeds on nitrates, so in theory at least, if I get them down, the algae should at least slow down...
Carey is right. Start with the makeup water. Every reef keeper should own a RO/DI unit and a inexpensive refractometer as part of the basic kit.
Don't dose vodka, it can get out of control IMO. Try a product that can reduce nitrates and other organics (especially selenium, a mineral that you will get in city water that promotes algae growth) by filtration. GFO or a Polysorb type product. At least they can't kill anything. Rule #1. DO NO HARM. You can make it worse easily.

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