Bichir senegalus with lump/bump

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 17, 2011

I am new to AC and looking for advice. I have a bichir senegalus for a year and a half already. She (narrow rounded anal fin) is now almost 11 inches in length. A month ago, I noticed a small lump/bump on top of the back of her head. Now it is bigger. It does not seem to bother her since she still swims normally and frequently, actively swims near the surface and around the aquarium. She still eats a lot also and enjoys eating hikari food sticks, sinking pellets, carnivore pellets, krill and here favorite live minnows.
Since the lump is on the top and not on her belly, it is not something that she ate. Based on my research, it might be something of a tumor but does not look like its bleeding and the scales is not protruding.
She is also does not look like bloated.
I have tried Jungle Labs Parasite Clear, Ick Clear, Melafix but the lump still grows.
Need advice and how to cure her.
Thank you.



cool fish! Im sorry I cant help you, do you have a vet near you that deals with fish?? Im only guessing but im thinking your on the right track. Not showing signs of illness is a good thing though.... GL
Thank you for the advice.
I have researched the net and this kind of sickness is not curable and resulted to death of their bichirs. There is a specialty vet though for these kind of fishes and fee would probable be very expensive. But yes she is showing no signs of weakness and still hoping/praying she will get through with it and miraculously the lump would disappear. She is a strong fish.
I'll keep you posted.
hey ! im thinking of buying a bichir senegalus . about 4 inches long . can i have it with 8 goldfishes as a tank mates ? also , i have a 6 inch catfish and two plecos . can that happen that the bichir would eat it ? well , my friend got tons of other fishes living with his bichir . BTW . nice fishes you got there
Sorry I canti help but that is an adorable bichir! I have never been a fan but she is so cute! Good luck!
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