Big Al's Bio-Clean (feedback)

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Bad Jeff

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 23, 2004
Calgary, Ab
Can anyone provide some feedback from experience on this product. My lfs just got it in and it seems impossible to find any good info about it on the net. Just curious if it is effective or a gimmick. Thanks
I wouldn't use anything that says "Bio-Clean may cause ammonia levels to spike. "
What is it supposed to do? In my experience, except for meds for a specific problem, tank additives to little but lighten your wallet. Keep you tank clean ,do frequent water changes, and let nature take it's course. Bio spira for start up is an exception.
The stuff claims to be an "organic waste digester". Pretty much bacteria to chow down on any leftover food.
The tank is well maintained with weekly partial water changes and 4-6 hrs of filtering with the DiatomXL. Overall very healthy.
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