Bigger Community Fish Freshwater

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 18, 2004
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Hey I had another question before I go to bed. :) I have my tank set up as a freshwater tropical community and I wanted to know if anybody knows if there are BIGGER community fish that don't pose a threat to the smaller guys. The smallest thing in my tank is a group of rainbow colored platy that are probably around 2.5 inches right now. (They're new)

If anybody knows about community fish that are bigger than gouramis and angels I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks! :)

*I'm a noob and I'm proud*
Community fish don't get much bigger than angels. Angels grow to be about 4" long and 8" high in the aquarium. Bigger in larger tanks if kept right. If you have the space you can have a couple of clown loaches. They are bottom feeders that are quite active and they sometimes get bigger than 10".
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