Bio load with corals

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Flipping minow

Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 3, 2012
Do corals count toward the bio load? I know that sounds wild to ask, but they don't really emit anything like a fish.
A fully stocked coral tank will add some to your bioload. Although not nearly as much as fish, corals do give off waste. This is part of the reason that corals need flow, to carry the waste away from the coral, as well as bring it food. IMO Snipe is pretty much right, but in heavy numbers I feel corals will add a little to your bioload
What about inverts like crabs, they add to the bio load or so they help it out?

I have 45lbs of live to rock in a 29 gallon with 5 hermit crabs, 3 turbo snails, one nerith snail.
The term bioload literally means amount of life in your setup. CUC do add to the overall bioload, but affect it in a different way. Most typical CUC members eat more detritus, than they give off as waste, so they help your overall water quality. Whereas most other forms of life ( bioload ), negatively affect your water quality, larger or higher on the food chain, more waste. Hope this helps!
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