Bio Spira Availability Issues

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Take the biowheel out of the 12-gal Eclipse and just float it in the ram tank - I did this with a tank that was midway through fishless, and it was completely done in 3 days. I shaved weeks off the cycle.

Good luck
Odd.....Here in the Sacramento area every shop has a constant stock of Bio-Spira on hand and has since the beginning of summer. How is it possible no one else has any?
There is one shop here locally that has had a supply of Bio-Spira on hand since before the company announced it was cutting everyone off, and this is purely because the shop does not push the product and what they have is somewhat "long in the tooth" so to speak, so I would not trust it - it's been sitting there the whole time. A sell-by date would be very helpful!
Yes, anyone with FW Bio-spira still on hand is more than likely "out-of-date".

Marineland urges retailers to use a 6-month guideline from the time of their stock arriving to sell by. They don't actually give a "sell by date" other than that guideline.

Since Marineland hasn't made any since February 2004.....I'd say anything still around is shot........

.....Which brings me to why I got over here to post :
I wanted all to be aware that Marineland is planning to re-release FW Bio-Spira
in the next couple weeks....around Sept 5 or so.

We expect the same pricing and packaging ...although the details should arrive shortly by letter explanation from Marineland.

I think? I have enough tanks for now...

Huh? Anybody know what that means? I think my friends and family would keel right over if they ever heard me say that - in fact, they are probably planning an intervention as we speak!
I know what you mean! I can already see the look on my wifes face when the first thing I do when we get into the new home is start setting up the tanks. SHe already thinks Id trade her for a fishtank if I could. (That will be our secret, ok? :p )
I just called 8 LFS's in the area asking if they knew if they would be getting Bio-Spira in soon.
Only one of them knew what it was and 2 of the shops didn't believe me that you could cycle the tank that quickly with this product. He kept insisting that I come in and just buy cycle because its the "same exact thing" and that it would cycle my tank in less than a week..How does he know it's the "same exact thing" if he doesnt even know what the hell it is?!
hah.. rookies! 8)

This is too common - it is widely known on the web, but many LFS know nothing about it, or think it is the same as Cycle. I have run into this a lot - LFS employees do not frequent aquarium websites at all, at least around here. The shops that carry Bio-Spira do not recommend this product to their customers very often at all, AFAIK.

That is probably because when they ask a customer if their tank is cycled, they are met with blank stares. Hard to sell a product that will instantly cycle a tank when the customer does not know what the nitrogen cycle is.
Yes, indeed....TankGirl!!! You hit the nail on the head!! The average consumer
is relatively unaware of the complexities of "what goes on in an aquarium"!!

Just got off the phone with a Marineland rep.

They're saying it got pushed back again and they're aiming for the beginning of fall this time. He said end of September beginning of October.
Looks like I'm cycling the QT the good 'ole fashion way..

Sorry if I got anyones hopes down. Mines went down, too :evil:
Not quite........

They're telling me they will ship 3rd week of Sept.; but I'm not supposed to publicize it yet.
They're getting the packaging ready now and coordinating all the prior
ordering from back orders with their customers (like me).
They prob won't release more to the open market until October...
once they've filled their previous committments.

Well, Fishalicious, you could easily have that 10gal cycled by then! Start dribbling some ammonia in there while you are waiting, LOL.
Yeah good point. It's a matter of me finding a short enough tank stand to put it on in my room. I dont really have too much room in there (with the 55 gallon being in there and all) and if I use a standard 10 gal tank stand it's going to obstruct part of the view of the 55 gallon and I dont want that...
I'll search today at wal mart/target. See if I can find a sturdy piece..

Btw, I've read articles on fishless cycling but I need a refresher on how many drops to put in for a 10 gal. And do I use a dropper that I can buy at like a pharmacy or something along the lines?

Also, it may just be a better idea to buy a penguin 125 for this tank (b/c of the bio wheel). My reasoning is because the 55 gallon is on the last stage of cycling and I can just keep the bio wheel in there when the QT is not in use. Right now I have the "Aqua Culture" filter that came with the kit (I think its a company that wal-mart goes through) and I'm sure you've heard of them and they dont seem to be the best quality, but Im sure I can put it to some use.

Let me know what you think..

Tanks Alot :wink:

I don't know how many times I've set up due to moving or infestation related restart(people never listen to me when I say not to do this or that). I have dabbled with this or that, never using much other than Easy Balance or Start right, and all of the tanks, I turn Brackish.I always put danios or barbs with my catfish First so I can guage how saline the water is. If I start too salty, they let me know. I keep them well, and have yet to lose them. Otociclus, on the other hand are a dif. story, unfortunately, because they need to eat algae in quantum amounts, and I never can seem to get it right on how much to leave or feed in with algae wafers when I gravel vacuum. I try to leave at least half a panel untouched in a vacuuming, but the filter sometimes over achieves after the vacuuming. I don't know why.
I use old gravel minimally treated, to produce algae quicker, keep my plants for the transfer, and pray for success, normally winning the favor of providence. I disregard the cycling time, adding Danios, catfish and pleco with algae tabs as soon as the initial bubbling starts to go down, for some reason, they like that bubbling on the side of the tank, and my cat loves to make believe he can smack them from the outside when they study thier new setup. I often also save chunks of algae and culture it from the filter's spout, where the green mossy algae grows. I have none right now, but the plecos seem to like when I add a little during start phases or after drastic water changes. WELL I Probably Have freaked a few hardcore fish fanatics with my disregard for tradition and stigma in the trust of fishcare products, It;s just that I have better luck culturing my own restart or start phase setups, putting my essence of care into all I touch, and have had very good luck with my tampering, and VERY BAD luck with the whole prefabbed kits. YEP,SOMETIMES THE HARD way is the best I've found.
Well, I must bid you all Adieu, and Hello to the many Canadians I've noticed as well as the many UKers as well, and God bless the US, and to any other Peoples of the World, G'day.
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