Biocube or nano cube

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 9, 2011
Hi all,
I am new to SW. I started a 10g tank about 3 weeks ago just to get a feel for the cycling process and to get so LR and LS started. My goal is to get a bigger all in one tank in the next fee weeks and I have been looking at the Biocube 29. Does anyone have any feedback or suggestions on this particular tank or maybe other brands like the nano? I want to keep FOWLR and maybe a few corals in the future. I wish they made the all in ones a little bigger but this will be a good size for my son and I start with (he wants Nemo) :)
Any feedback would be appreciated.
I have a 29g biocube and am very satisfied with it. For now its a FOWLR but the stock lights can support most corals, maybe not SPS and other high light loving ones but most of what you'd want you can have. No anenomes though, don't think the light is strong enough for them.

I have a set of nemos right now in the cube with a citron goby, dragonet and a yellow watchman. :)

Some great starter corals would be zooa's, leathers, mushrooms and candycanes.

Hope that helps a bit. :)

I also looked at the nano cubes but for the price I went with the Biocube.
Thank you so much for the feedback. I found the same thing that for the price it seems like the best option. I am also trying to keep it simple since I don't understand all the filter options etc.
Did you add the protein skimmer? I have heard mixed reviews on the need for one in a fish only tank?
I didn't think the reviews for the skimmer make it a worthwhile option in my opinion. I keep the nitrates at 5 with proper water changes and I OVERFEED like crazy since I have a scooter dragonet in there and he needs lots of food attention. lol

The filtration system is pretty basic, most people take out the bioballs in the center compartment and put live rock rubble in it. Me, I added these

BioCube 29 Package Deal - Aquarium Filtration Upgrades & Supplies

It allows you to have regular media bags like a freshwater tanks filter. I didnt get the fish guard though, I don't have any jumpers. I also use the fuge for growing chaeto (macro algae) that helps keep the nitrates and algae down.
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