Black Convict Fry, 7 Days Old

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 10, 2012
ABOVE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Not sure why, but it shows an upload on my computer, but they dont load.
Had about 100, I have them in a small hang on tank on the back of my 150, I only lost 1 last night, the rest are doing great and growing fast, Im going to grow them and put them in a different tank.:fish2:
I also have about 20 Kenyi 2 months old and about 16 Yellow Labs 2 months old in a different tank doing great and growing fast, now my Pink convict and Delmation convict are going at it, so should have more fry very soon, I think Ill just let this batch get eaten, just have to many and to many other projects going right now...........
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