Black hair algae problem

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 23, 2012
Recently purchased a Java Fern which after 2 weeks developed a black hair algae problem so I binned immediately. Problem is I've noticed it starting to appear on my Anubias and Vals, I've read about using flourish excel but I stopped using this because it was melting my Vals. Is there anything else I can do?

Juwel 240 litre
Day and Colour T5 bulbs
I use Seachem flourish tabs and Excel - not flourish, once a week
Lights on for 8 hours
2 water changes per week 20-30%
Levels perfect Ammon 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5
Temp 26.5

I've just tried spot treating with flourish excel in low doses due to Vals, though would prefer not to use it.
BBM is caused by not the right balance in your much light...not enough co2...bbm cannot compete with co2..are you running co2? Excel is not enough..I've tried..didn't work...

There is alot of other threads out there with the same problem they might help you...:)
I suggest you take out your plants and spraying them with hidrogen peroxide let them.sit and then rinse and put your tank that worked for me.
Thanks for the advice, I've ordered some interpet hair algae removal stuff if it does not work I'll try hydrogen peroxide.

I'm not running any Co2 in the tank as my plants are all the easy care type, Vals, Amazon sword, Anubias, Hairgrass - all I use is tabs and flourish. I've also cut down the lighting to see if this helps as my tank does get good light already from the room it's in.
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