Black Molly Birth/Fry Question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 5, 2011
Fort Worth, Texas
I have a fairly new setup (75 gal) with 2 black lyretail mollies, 2 mickey mouse platies, and a pair of red velvet swordtails.

One of my black mollies has been awefully fat since I got her and she gave birth sometime last night. I'm not sure how many she ate, as I was only able to capture and secure 4 babies (which are doing very well btw)

Since then, she has been active all day, but earlier this evening I noticed her staying very close to the bottom of the tank and even hiding out in my bubbler/house.

I have searched every forum I can think of, but I have not been able to find an answer to my question.

How long will she stay in labor or continue to give birth? She isn't very big, maybe 1'' - 1 1/4'' long, but I understand they give birth to quite a few fry.

Will she continue to give birth over the next day or so, or is she done? Basically give birth all in one setting (as long as she isn't stressed) or is it spaced out.

She is loose in my tank as I was unprepared. I do have the babies in a breeder net with a few artificial plants, awa live plants.

My entire aquarium is set up with 30-40 live plants of all shapes and sizes, as well as, lots of rock and I purchased a fry plant (not sure what it's called) for the uncaptured babies to hide in.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!!!!

UPDATE: Now she either floats at the top or burrows in a crevice on the floor (like where rocks have been moved and there is a shallow hole). She is still breathing quite heavy and doesn't move much. I have tested my water and everything is at 0. Temp is 78 degrees and pH is a steady 7.8. There has been no drastic change in water at all over the last 24-28 hours, or even before that. Did a 20% water change 3/21.
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the Molly may still give birth to more but you may have startled her so she may not give birth to more instantly, but maybe later. generally that is normal behavior but keep an eye on her if she starts getting pale, stops eating, stays bigger for a month or more or any unusual behavior that shows illness, then take action as soon as possible!
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