Black thread/root like algae on plants HELP!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 14, 2003
New York, NY
It's on our onion plants mostly. Looks like black hair...small plant. We did full testing on our tank, and here is what we've got"

pH 7.2
KH (carbonate) 6
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate Low, between 5-10 ppm

We were going to put in more CO2, as the carbonate hardness should be hire given this chart we got at the Krib from someone on here, I think. But, what should we do about the algae? We stopped putting in our Plant Gro fertilizer and cut the lights for three days (totally helped get rid of green algae situation). Here is our set up:

55 gallon
live plants, lots of them
Soil substrate
We do not over feed
We do not have an overloaded tank
Plant light from Coral life
canister filter
air stone
about...74-78 degrees (fluctates at night)

We recently did a 20% water change...

What should we do here? I want to avoid putting chemicals in the tank if possible. I read this could be red algae??

We have oto cats that are tackling it, but it's not helping.
Is it clumps of black algae? I have something like that in my tank. Mostly growing on my lava rock. I found that just pulling it off works, but it comes back. I don't really know what it is, but my pleco loves to eat it. He just doesn't like to eat it off the lava rock. I think that is the reason that is the only place in my tank you can find it. Sorry that doesn't help much!
red cherry shrimp!

I hear they are the current miracle cure for algae

but finding them - that's difficult!

also, the american-flag fish is supposed to like hair algae as well
I read an article (can't locate it presently) where someone did a side-by-side comparison test with the flag fish and a molly. The end result was that the molly was a much better hair algae eater than the flag fish. sells the cherry shrimp, if you are looking, but I would imagine many fish would find them a yummy snack...
the molly was a much better hair algae eater than the flag fish

My mollies aren't touching my hair algae. Looking for a SAE to put in the tank. No luck yet here in H-town.
My mollies aren't touching my hair algae.
Blows that theory! Oh well, I guess if mollies were the solution to algae problems nobody would post about algae ever again....I have no experience with the flag fish and wonder how good of a job they really do in general.
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