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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 5, 2009
OK so im having a bad algee bloom... its seems cloudy and has 2 days after a bog water change... I ghouth it was just the dirty bottom... but it seems way worse than anything I have ever had... so I turned the timer off the light and covered with a dark blanket...

now the question is... how long doe sit need to be that way? I have plants comming tomorrow or thursday and want to get them in ASAP, and get crappy ones I have in there, out.

also... will my poor fishies be able to see their food? If its longer than say 36-48 hours I dont wnat them to starve...
what is your food schedule? You could move back to once a day, add some carbon to the filter and then keep the blackout going for around 5 days depending on how bad the bloom is. I'm pretty sure that if you only take the cloth off long enough to feed the fish that it will still be an effective blackout, but I'm sure others who are more experienced will come along and correct me.
Most fish certainly won't starve in 48 hours; if anything, it could do them some good. The usual reccomendation for vacations if to leave your fish unfed if it's less than 2 weeks. My friend insists on feeding 3-4 times a day and wonders why he still has ammonia and nitrite problems and his fish are constantly ill/dying. Mine have gone 9 days before with no ill effects. Also, my fish have no problems finding their food in the dark.

If you're feeding more than once a day, cut back and see if that helps the bloom. if the water is cloudy, it might be a bacterial bloom rather than algal. Definitely not something I'm familiar with, either way, so I can't help much there I'm afraid.
I feed once a day (and its the highlight of my day... i know what a weirdo lol) I am just worried about he plants I have just purchased that will be at my home within a day or so... maybe ill just leave it until they get there and then check unwrap it.... I miss my fish already :(
I will take a picture tonight... then maybe someone can tell me whether I am right about the algee... I hope its not bacterial... unless it can be a benefitial bacteria bloom... if that makes sense
Put some water from the tank in a white cup or container. Is that water greenish or white? Green is algae, white is bacterial bloom.
That would be a bacterial bloom, not algae. Blackout will not help with bacterial blooms. Did you clean all your filters or anything that might have caused a bacteria die off or a mini cycle?
That would be a bacterial bloom, not algae. Blackout will not help with bacterial blooms. Did you clean all your filters or anything that might have caused a bacteria die off or a mini cycle?
I did a like 75% water change but I didn't wash the rocks or change the filter... I did stir up a lot when I refilled it . i couldt change the water for 3 weeks I I figured id star off fresh.
Keep an eye on the parameters and it will clear up on itself. All you need to worry about is if there are any spikes.
Keep an eye on the parameters and it will clear up on itself. All you need to worry about is if there are any spikes.

it even looks a hair better today... its hard to tell obviously but it looks a little better
even if its been 3 weeks.. no more than a 50%... its a shock to the fish.. its a shock to the bacteria.. and it will cause this mini cycle your dealing with.
ah... checked this morning and the #'s all look good...

I sont do so much next time tho thanks :D water already seems better.
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