Blender mush consistency?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 12, 2005
Dubuque, Iowa
I made my first batch last night and think I might have messed it up. In trying to get all the larger pieces chopped up I ended up with a pudding like consistency. If I feed this is it going to just make a cloudy mess out of my water?
Also, how "runny" should it be? Mine was thick enough that I had to scoop it out with a spoon into the bag. Should I have added more water or did I do something else wrong?

when you put it in a cup to thaw, you can add a bit of tank water to thin it down. Pudding like consistency sounds about right. There should still be tiny chunks in in when it dissipates through the water. When you feed, you use very little. This is also, not a food you want to use every day. The water gets minimal cloudiness, unless you overfed.
Thanks Hara. I like the idea of thawing in a cup of water - that way I will be able to see if I've made blender "mush" or "soup".
BTW, my wife has vowed never to use the blender again :lol:
Just an update...
I thawed a small chunk in about 1 cup of water. Happily I found small pieces floating all over. But holy cow, I probably only poured about 2 table spoons of the mixture back in.
My clowns gobbled it all up so I must have done something right :D
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