blisters on head

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 23, 2004
Pennington, NJ
I was checking out one of the julii cories that I got from the lfs yesterday and I noticed it has 5 or six little "blisters" on its head. Does anyone have any idea what this may be? I have never seen it before. They are not really discolored or anything they just look like they are filled with air or clear fluid. It is as active as the other cories, and swims around with them and forages. Any suggestions? I can check my levels when I get home tonight. I had one of the four julii's that I got die right off the bat, but I looked it over and could find nothing that looked wrong with it. The two neons and the other two cories look great, as do my original fish. (mostly tetras, and three blue rams, and a gourami). They are in a 55 gallon. I know, I need to get a quarantine tank! :?

Any suggestion to the cause of or treatment of these "blisters" would be appreciated. I know they can be more sensitive to meds. I have been doing weekly 25% water changes. And I'll do extra now that I noticed this.

If the store you bought them from has a good return policy, bring it back right away. Get another one that's healthy. I would suspect that 24 hours from shippment, an obvious disease was present in the fish before you got it.

It's hard to tell exactly what it is, but it is likely to turn into a major health problem at one point. It will be weaker than the other fish if something goes wrong in the aquarium, if the blister itself is not damaging.

I'll be looking for the folow-up with your levels.

What are the current occupants of the tank?

Look into the QT. At my LFS, I can get what I need for a 10 gallon QT for under $40. (Using a splitter with the existing air pump, sponge filter, cheap heater, no hood.)
Blisters on Head with Pics

I have taken the levels in my 55 gallon tank.
ph is between 6.8 and 7.0
Ammonia is 0ppm
Nitrite is 0ppm
Nitrate is 5-10 ppm
KH is 35.8ppm
GH is 161.1ppm

I use the aquarium pham. master kit. I did a 25% water change yesterday. I have gotten the cory in quarentine now, so I could observe more carefully. I have learned another plus to quarentine when buying, the fish are a lot harder to catch once you put them in a big tank with lots of rocks, wood, and plants!

The other tank inhabitants (in the 55gallon) are:
7 neon tetras
3 lemon tetras
5 pristenella tetras
1 powder blue dwarf gourami
2 albino buenos aries tetras
4 panda cories
2 julii cories + the sick one
3 pygamy cories
3 german blue rams

None of the others have anything like this and I'm keeping my eye on them. The one julii with the blisters is still eating/behaving normally.


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