Bloodfire shrimp vs pistol shrimp

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dorylvr59 said:
Can I put a bloodfire shrimp in a 55 gal tank that already has a green pistol shrimp?

Noooooo do not the blood fire will seek it out
I have had the blood red shrimp about 3" in a 29 cube with a 1/2" pistol, it never bothered it. I did have a goby that paired with the pistol, but at night the pistol would wander around without the goby.
My lfs was more concerned the pistol may harm the bloodfire if it went near one of his burroughs. Idk if it makes a difference or not, but the pistol is larger than the bloodfire I'm looking at. He is paired with a watchmen goby, but he roams the tank quite a bit.
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