Blue crayfish/lobster

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 3, 2004
South Florida
I *think* I've read in the past that they are aggressive and will try and eat your fish.

Is this true?

If so, what are the fish not to stock this tank with if I want to keep one?

Would it bother bottom feeders like plecos? Would it try to eat ghost shrimp?
I believe the should not be stocked with any kind of fish. They will grab and eat what ever they can. A large fish will return the favor.

Well that is dissapointing because they are so darn cool looking, but for the safety of my fish I think I'll opt out on the crayfish.
They are cool looking, and they do such a good job at removing uneaten food too. Too bad they can't be safely kept with fish - they either attack them at night, or become a snack themselves.
I don't know about you guys, but I've dealt with a Blue crayfish before at my old company. The 150g tank was setup as a community with tetras, gouramis, platies, pl3cos, etc. The crayfish never bothered anybody, and vice versa. And yes, they are great at cleaning up uneaten food. I was always fascinated, as well, to watch him shed his shell and form a new one. :)
:bumping: a three month old thread may be poor form, but my question belongs here, so here goes...

I'm looking into a 5/6 gallon tank for my office and was considering a blue crayfish. I'm sure it's make a great home for him, but I dunno if I could handle just having him in there. Would there be room for, perhaps, a pair or two of breeding guppies? I wonder if they could even survive long enough to breed and feed the cray. Hrm.

Are crayfish terribly dirty?


Random thought - thanks for any input.

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