Blue Gourami is Kinked

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 14, 2003
Bristol, Pa
I have a blue gouromi for about 5 1/2-6 months now. All is well with him -he eats fine, isn't aggressive towards the other fish in my tank, etc.

When I brought him home, I noticed that he has a kink in one of his "feelers" (is there a real name for those :?: ). Is this something that is common? Should I be worried? Is there anything I can do for him? I mean, he doesn't seem to be in any pain, he uses it all the time...
hi,the long feelers on the gouramis are fin extensions, gouramis have extensions to their pectoral fin [the little tiny one under the 'chin']they are very sensative and they use them to touch and feel .i also have one with a bent feeler, i think its caused by injury etc. if it gets broken off it sometimes grows back bent or kinked ,doesnt hurt the fish tho.i have a male and female pearl gourami and they use their feelers to reach out to each other. :fadein: :) jackie
My gourami has a bent feeler too. When I brought him home, he was missing one, and it grew in quite fast! He doesn't seem bothered by it, he swings them both around all over the place.
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