Blue Gourami turning patchy brown

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 8, 2003
I was checking out my 55 gal tank, relaxing, this morning and noticed that my blue gourami is discolored to a reddish brown in places. My water is testing at 0 ppm for ammonia and 7.5 ph. I just did a 20% water change on Tuesday. Any ideas?
Ruh Ro Shaggy.

Some more questions; theres not quite enough to go on yet:

Are the reddish brown areas raised? Are the edges white? Where are they located?

Any behavior changes in the fish; heavy breathing, not eating, moving differently, etc?

Ammonia levels are obviously great; what about nitrites and nitrates? And pH?

Any idea how long its been going on? Did it definitely start last nite/this morn? Or is it unclear? And what about the tankmates? Any changes with them?
Areas aren't raised, and edges aren't white. They on on his underbelly, one on his side and one on his tail area - not is fin. He is eating like pig (as usual) and acting like his pushy self. Ph is at 7.5 (my tap water is at 8 so I am slowly moving it from 7 to eight). I don't have a test for the nitrites or nitrates. I didn't watch him too closely last night because I have baby fry in the other half of the tank and I could care less right now about him (compared to usual) (there is a divider between the happy family and tankmates).
I hate to recommend medicating when I'm not fairly sure whats going on, so I won't yet. I'm suspicious that most of the markings seem to be on the lower half of his body, but I can't put a finger on why that would be. Do get the nitrites/nitrate levels checked (if you can't get a test right away, drag a water sample to a lfs and have them test for you) to be sure ALL water parameters are ok, and just keep a close eye on him. I'd do a water change anyway just to be on the safe side.

Btw, I may have missed the post. What sorta fry?? Babies...wheeee!
My convict cichlids had a large batch of babies on Tuesday - thought they were algae/pooh and almost vacuumed! I hate to medicate at this time too because of the babies only being separated by a divider and I don't have another tank that they could go in (just a 10 gallon with 2 bettas - hungry bettas) My lfs people are out of town until Tuesday. :( I'll keep a close eye on him and if he acts starts acting funny I'll have to figure something out. I'd hate to lose my first batch of babies.
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