Blue Marble Crayfish??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 31, 2014
What makes a marble crayfish turn blue? The are all self cloning, but I see some that are Brown, then others that are just the lightest hue of blue in it and other marble crays that are a very intense blue. How do you make the blue come out in them? :ermm:
Is that what does it? I had some spirulina tabs I tried giving to my marble but she doesn't really like them, she just ignores the tabs. Maybe I'll try and find some other type of fish food for her with spirulina in it.
But I had a p. Alleni crayfish which is genetically blue so I can't guarantee that it has a high enough spiriluna content to turn your marble blue. But he always ate the pellets so I think it's worth a try.

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