Blue tang

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 10, 2013
South Carolina
Got my first blue tang today, it's been in my 90 gallon reef tank for a couple hours now, is it normal for this fish to hide in corner of the tank. Also this is a small juvenile, maybe 1.5 to 2 inches in length.
For the first few hours I would say yes.
But if it continues for more than a night I would definitely be concerned. Just make sure to stay in top of water quality and control, because a tang can be a great fish or dead fish.
My blue tang still hides even now, a few years after I;ve had him lol. Dont be surprised if he lays on his side or slides under a rock, they always scare me when they do that but its normal. :)

Good luck
I get the same way. I almost pee'd myself when I spent $80 on a naso a few weeks ago, and he didnt even live more than 4 days!!!

I spent another $70 on one and he didnt make it either so I am really really hesitant to try it again. Keep in mind I have established tanks and i still get nervous, but the majority of the time things work out ok.

Just keep an eye on your parameters, even things like temp and salinity, tangs get very very nervous very very easily. Stress is probably the easisit thing for them to suffer from and sometimes illness can follow so just watch him. Keep the lights off if necessary to make him feel more at home.
A temperature spike wiped out all my fish the weekend before Christmas, let me know I'm going to have to get a chiller before spring

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