Blue Tetra Pregnant?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 20, 2011
Here's some pictures of one of my Blue Tetra I'm pretty certain she's pregnant but can't be sure, she been like this for a few weeks now but is still eating well and behaving normally. I'm not entirely sure how long she'd hold the eggs for which is why I'm slightly concerned I keep expecting to come home to one exploded fish can anyone give me some advice as I'm struggling to find any info online. Thanks in advance.


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To me it just looks like it's eaten too much. My blue tetras are really greedy, they eat the cory pellets whole! :/ no matter how careful I am with feeding, my tetras, especially the females, often look like that. My advice would be to fast her for two days and see if she slims down a bit.
Someone may well chime in and say I'm wrong
Ok I'll give that a go as she is a greedy fish and I have also witnessed her eating a crustacean pellet in one. Any advice on how I could separate her whilst feeding the rest of the community tank without stressing her out too much?
GorgieB said:
Ok I'll give that a go as she is a greedy fish and I have also witnessed her eating a crustacean pellet in one. Any advice on how I could separate her whilst feeding the rest of the community tank without stressing her out too much?

Hmm... I'm not sure, unless you've got a quarantine/hospital tank? I tried putting mine in a breeder box once for this very reason and she freaked out, so I wouldn't recommend that :/

what other fish have you got in your tank?
Most fish can easily go for about a week without food, so you could always fast your whole tank for two days. It won't do them any harm and will help clear out their systems. Ideally you should fast your fish one day a week anyway, but I don't know if you already do this :)
Well I tried her in a breeder net last night and as you rightly said she wasn't best pleased. In the tank fish wise there are 2 blue tetra 2 glow light tetra 2 Peruvian blue tetra 2 salt and pepper Molly's 1 male betta 1 clown pleco? And now 4 fancy male guppies. I'll give fasting them all a go and no I wasn't aware I should fast them all at least once a week. You learn something new every day, cheers for the advice and I'll let you know how it goes in a couple of days.
GorgieB said:
Well I tried her in a breeder net last night and as you rightly said she wasn't best pleased. In the tank fish wise there are 2 blue tetra 2 glow light tetra 2 Peruvian blue tetra 2 salt and pepper Molly's 1 male betta 1 clown pleco? And now 4 fancy male guppies. I'll give fasting them all a go and no I wasn't aware I should fast them all at least once a week. You learn something new every day, cheers for the advice and I'll let you know how it goes in a couple of days.

She deffinatley doesnt need to be seperated for bloating, its useless imo. Feed her a deshelled pea and fast her for 3 days.
Well didn't quite go according to plan, she's still massive. I'll give the de shelled pea a go but not sure how you'd expect me to fast her and not the other fish without separating her from them? Oh and don't worry I will feed her for a day before I give this a go so as not to starve her as she's not eaten in a few days. Here's hoping she just needs to poop and it's not something more sinister.
GorgieB said:
Well didn't quite go according to plan, she's still massive. I'll give the de shelled pea a go but not sure how you'd expect me to fast her and not the other fish without separating her from them? Oh and don't worry I will feed her for a day before I give this a go so as not to starve her as she's not eaten in a few days. Here's hoping she just needs to poop and it's not something more sinister.

Yeah I had trouble making sure mine didn't get the others food. Ended up fasting all my fish in the end. It's impossible to fast one tetra, they're way too greedy! ;) let us know how it goes with the pea, hope it works :)
So as not to be rude, just to let you know she is just a fatty! The pea trick didn't really work none of the fish were tempted and the blue terra kept herself fed by eating the Platys ( not Molly's as I'd thought ) poop. Ah well as long as she's happy. Thanks for all the advice though cheers.

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