Bolivian Ram - Ram Rage

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 19, 2015
Tank specs: 55g / 200L / 4ft 0/0/5 readings (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate) pH: 7.4
Temperature 25C : 77F
Tank is fully cycled.
Stock: 6 congo tetras, 3 pearl gourami, 1 angel fish and the two new Bolivian rams
suspected female
suspected male
Just asking for opinions on the sexes, yet also if anyone has had similar experiences with aggressive males. This male is chasing every fish in my tank, nipping at my gouramis even though they are so peaceful and gave them a little gourami hug with their "feelers" when they came into the tank.
The male is separated into my other tank with livebearers and seems to have calmed down.
What would be the best course of action? Taking him back to the store? Letting him settle in for a couple of days to a week and hoping he doesn't kill one of the fish from stress? Please let me know your opinions as I would like to keep my tank as peaceful as it was before,

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