Bolivian Rams, small catfish, and swordtail?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 22, 2012
Can you put these fish in the same tank together. If so (2 fish of each) what tank size would you recommend. And catfish (small). Thanks
I keep bolivian rams and swordtails together, no problem. They are both peaceful community fish. As for the catfish, it depends on what kind. Cories? For now, I'd say at least 25 gallons.
They may be fine depending on the size of your tank.

I'd say a 20g Long at least. And Cory cats need to be in groups, preferably 6 or more is best. A pair of Bolivians should be ok. But livebearers, like Swordtails can be a pain when they start pumping out babies. But if you do 2 male Swordtails that might work. If you want females, Livebearers should have 3-4 females per male or the males pester the girls to death.

A bigger tank would make sure things stay peaceful. But I would not put Bolivians or Swords in anything smaller than a 20g. IMHO

FYI there are over 150 species of Corydoras Catfish. At least 3 dwarf species, but they do best with small tank mates. Corydoras aeneus or paleatus are both good beginner Corys.

I'm thinking about getting a ito cat (people say they die for no apparent reason) or Siamese catfish. Thanks. If I get Siamese I will keep one.
I'm thinking about getting a ito cat (people say they die for no apparent reason) or Siamese catfish. Thanks.

If you mean Otocinclus aka Otos, they need to be in groups if possible. They are Wild Caught so may come in in bad shape. But if you can baby them through acclimation and get them eating, they are great. I have 2 in my 10g
I will be adding a 3rd as my female and male are different species.

They need fully cycled stable tanks, but I've had good luck with mine. I have lost a few over the years, but usually only new ones.

Avoid Chinese Algae Eaters ( Google them) , nasty aggressive fish that eat the slime off of slow fish.

True Siamese Algae Eaters can still be somewhat pushy in some tanks. They get some size also.

I prefer Otos for my planted tanks. Mine are super peaceful and active and just nice fish.

You can see my tanks in my album. Here is a link to a feeding vid, one of my Otos is shown at the end.
Feeding time 10g Shrimp Jungle - YouTube
Thanks Coursair. As in the above post I stated that if I got otos, immature get two. I guess ill probally get Otto's.
Thanks Coursair. As in the above post I stated that if I got otos, immature get two. I guess ill probally get Otto's.

Just make sure you have some soft Algae for them to eat. I like to have live plants and if I wipe the walls down, I leave one wall untouched so they always have food. Otos won't always eat store food. Mine will eat sinking food now, but at first only soft algae.

You can grow your own algae.
Put smooth rock in shallow pan of water. Put in sunny window. Grow algae on rock. Put in tank for Otos to eat.

I don't like to add them to brand new tanks...clean walls are not good for Otos.

Also when you buy them, LOOK carefully at the fish. Look at their bellies. Make sure they are NOT thin and that their stomach is not sucked in. If they are starving they may not live. Try to buy healthy Otos and that will help keep them alive.
Thanks Coursair. Know I don't know if imma get Otto's because a lot of people say they need to live iv bigger groups. And when I said immature I meant imma (it was auto corrects fault).
monkeys said:
Thanks Coursair. Know I don't know if imma get Otto's because a lot of people say they need to live iv bigger groups. And when I said immature I meant imma (it was auto corrects fault).

They do enjoy larger groups but my 2 are fat and healthy in my 10g.
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