Botia (sp.???) loach breeding?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 13, 2005
Aberdeen, WA
I don't know the exact species, all my lfs said was botia loach. The picture tells best.

The questions are: what is the species?

And the largest one, I think it is a gravid female has been hiding in the coral thing in the picture. BOth males (i think they are anyway) are in the picture. The larger one will not let the smaller one in the cave. He also spends alot of time in the cave with the female (I Think) whom I also think is gravid. All I cann ever catch is a glimpse of her tail and then it shaking vigorously. Could it be spawning or baby behavior is it just territorial?
Skunk botia, Botia morleti....almost impossible to sex visually (except, possibly, by behaviour), and as far as I am aware, there has never been a recorded instance of captive-spawning in this species. They do reach a good 4½" in length, so sexual maturity is probably not reached until they are at least half-grown.

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