Bottom feeder for my tank?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 13, 2003
Alexandria VA
I have a planted 29 gal with 7 tiger barbs, 5 white clouds and an albino rainbow shark. (I am planning to get a bigger tank at the end of the year, so the rainbow shark will have plenty of room to grow... :wink: ) Anyway, for now everyone is happy and harmonious but I was wondering whether I should/could get another bottom feeder or some kind of algae eater. I don't have a big problem now, but there is a little algae that I scrape off the sides. What would work with my tank? I don't want to overload them! And, I want everyone to stay peaceful! :angel:

Also, once I move up to a larger tank, I was hoping to get a few larger fish. My tiger barbs are a pack of bullies! :twisted: What would work? A couple gouramis?

Plecos are good algae eaters, get the ones that won't grow to much your be happier later so will your plants. Big snails (apple) would be out, tiger barbs love to harrass them. Gouramis and Barbs I would avoid even though most sites say they are both semi-aggressive and compatible, try to get faster fish, tiger barbs like to gang up on slow fish, even if the slow fish is a bad *ss he can't continually take them all on! Although some slow fish they just ignore (like my blue rams). If I can confuse you anymore let me know!
Small loaches are fun to watch and clean the gravel they don't do windows.
Thanks - I had been looking at the sites that recommend Gouramis and Barbs together, so it's good to know that isn't such a good idea!

Any ideas on faster 4-6" fish, for after my tank upgrade? I would love a couple of rams, but since the Tigers were there first (and I'll want to wait until the bigger tank is completely cycled before adding anything new...) I'm a little leery of adding anything into their territory that they'll pester.

Also, good to know about the snails... I had been looking at some at my lfs. Maybe I'll try a bushy-nose pleco. I can feed him algae wafers after he takes care of what little algae I have!
Corydorus are great little bottom dwelling fish, also you could try ottocinclus for you algae. They both look great in groups.
Just as a minor note, IME and by most things you'll read online, the rainbow shark is a bottom feeder. Not big on algea though.
tigers seem to ignore the plecs as a matter of fact everything seems to ignore them! They must be the jerks of the fish world.
Heres some info: notice gouramis are in there (as they can be compatible)

Ideal tank mates include: Barbs, Gouramis, larger Livebearers, Dwarf Cichlids, Sharks, Rainbowfish, Plecos, Catfish, and Loaches.
Thanks for all the advice! I am going to start looking for a bushy-nosed pleco this weekend (I'll set up my QT tonight so its ready!) It looks like he can take care of the algae that my shark ignores!

I'll start researching the other compatible fish from the link you sent Scottw68TN (almost as much fun as watching the fishies!) so that when I get my larger tank, I'll have a plan...
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