Brand new platy fry :) !!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 23, 2013
Came home to at least 3 Platy fry :) :)



I love my new fish this is my first time EVER with fry .


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You can raise them in a breeder net or a container with air until they are large enough not to become a snack. Hint: Use baby brine shrimp and they will grow really fast.
Congratulations! I agree with using either a breeding net or breeding basket. Baby brine shrimp I heard is a great food for babies although feeding them high quality flakes like new life spectrum are good also.
Ok thanks for all the good advice this totally new to me
Thing is as well, you have survivors. By all means get the breeder net if you want to save lots more, but you'll still have babies growing up in your tank even if you leave them in the main tank.
What color are the parents? Id love to see updated pics of your little ones! I have a fry lovers thread that is just for "proud parents" :) lol
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