Breeding betta questions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 30, 2005
Rhode Island
I have been doing some research and I'm thinking about breeding my bettas. I read that the best food for the free-swimming fry would be along the lines of paramecium, I also read that the fry cannot eat baby brine shrimp until they are 1 week of age.

What do I need to culture my own paramecium? (I heard to put hay in a jar) How long does the culture take to mature enough where I can harvest? I want to have the food ready for the little ones before they can eat just in case! ( I don't want to starve them and kill the whole clutch.)

Is there anyone out there who has succesfully done this and has tips for me?! They would be greatly greatly appreciated!

-Thanks guys!
I've been breeding beta's for 10yrs. For the first 3 to 4 days they'll eat the eggs shack. Once there free swimming I fed boiled egg yolk ( super high in protain ) for the 2nd week/ By the 3rd week there large enough for live brine shrimp. I switch off between BBS to egg yolk. I've fed walterworms to a couple of my frys and had a large amount of loss. I've had a better luck and larger fry live using the boiled yolk and BBS.Plus they grow faster.
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