Breeding commons

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 9, 2014
Why can't I seem to find any solid info on how to breed common goldfish in an aquarium indoors? It seems everyone's got a completely different idea..?

following the passion that leads to my purpose..
They will breed like bunny rabbits outside in pond environment with sufficient space and water with zero intervention from humans.

I am not sure what information you are finding on breeding commons but theres likely very little because they are not a fish with 'value' for a potential breeder. Goldfish (of any breed) can be notoriously difficult to breed indoors as it is. Adult commons would require quite a bit of space and water to keep indoors for any length of time and would need to be sexually mature and in proper condition for breeding purposes. Then you will need to consider how to raise the fry indoors (another story).

If you have specific questions, I can try to help or point you in the right direction for information that will be more correct. :)
Thanks, how can you tell when a common hits sexual maturity?

following the passion that leads to my purpose..
Usually, they are 6 or so inches (approximate). Males will display breeding tubercles on their pectoral fins and gill plates. Females will appear rounder and thicker versus their more streamline male counterparts. Breeding behaviors will be apparent (males actively chasing and bumping females). Venting will also be easy at this point as males will have a concave vent while females will be convex (protruding). Please ask if you need more specifics! :)
Thanks for the detailed info, I'm guessing if I introduce a shoal of twelve I should have a good ratio don't u think?

following the passion that leads to my purpose..
I honestly would start with six as long as you have the space for them. And just keep in mind that goldfish lay upwards of 1000+ eggs at a time. It's good to be prepared in advance. :)
The biggest problem with breeding goldfish in a fishtank is that when they do spawn, they totally pollute their water. This is why breeders ( and I include myself as I've bred these indoors) use a separate spawning tank with breeding mops so that once the spawn has happened, the mops are moved into clean water and the breeders are moved back into their main tank. The eggs are very sticky so that any that are stuck to the glass will be probably lost due to the pollution or dye from doing such a drastic water change.
As JLK stated, the fry will need a lot of room. I used 3 or 4 mops in my breeding tank and then moved each mop to their own 100 gal or 125 gal tank. The fry need a lot of food and space if you want them to grow and grow quickly. It's why breeding and then growing them indoors is not really a practical way of producing any quantity of them.

As for whether a school of 12 fish will give you good variety? Maybe not. Unless you know the sex of the fish when you put them together, you have just as much chance to have males and females as you do having all one gender. It does happen ;)

Hope this helps
Can I suggest to get a kiddie pool or 300gal stock tank to breed these guys indoors. These are a much cheaper way of going and make great grow out tanks. I'd wait until spring and put them outside breed in a 175gal-250gal and move mps to 300 gal.
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