breeding fancy guppies

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 21, 2011
phelan ca
I had my male and female in the same tank for two and a half weeks before I removed him is that enough time for them to mate. Thought she was pregnant before but she wasn't. Thank u
She should be pregnant, a day is long enough! One thing to look out for however, you say they are fancy guppies, if the male is ribbon finned it's highly possible that he cannot breed. Secondly, if the male is crossbred with endlers or the like he may be genetically infertile.

Wait five week after removing male and if no fry, start from square one.
Fancy Guppies

Good morning mom...

Your Fancy Guppy female was already pregnant when you bought her, so there was no need to purchase a male. The large scale Guppy breeders keep males and females together from the start, so you'll have plenty of males when the fry arrive.

It was good that you moved the male, he'll constantly harrass the female and make delivery of the fry more difficult. She'll be much less stressed now.

The pregnant female will carry the young for about 28 days and the gravid spot underneath will become quite dark. If you don't already, I'd get some Water sprite or other floating plant into the tank. The fry will immediately try to find cover.

Also, when you notice the fry in the tank, start feeding all the fish more often. Once every couple of hours isn't too much. I've noticed that well fed adult Guppies seldom bother the fry.

Bought my females in early august and thought they were pregnant but no fry.I am not sure what a fine ribbon tail is will look it up. Thank u I have cover and will start feeding them more often

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