Breeding Golden Dojo Loaches(?)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 7, 2014
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Hi all!
I just purchased my first pair of Golden Dojo Loaches, and I was curious to see if anyone has been able to successfully breed these guys, and if so, what specifics should I be aware of? I have them in a 20 gallon tank with two BN Plecos and a red clawed crab! I keep the temperature around 75 degrees with lots of air and filtration.
Any tips would help!!
Thanks so much

Xoxo -Fishylove6283
I read about someone on a different forum having them spawn a few years ago. Not a common occurence in aquariums, they did manage to raise 2 or 3 fry to a recognizable size. Temp of 75 is a bit too warm for them though, they prefer cooler water.
Where did you get the dojo loach? Mine was very old (5+ years) and I can't find them anywhere!
They sell tons of them in PetSmart and Petco. At least 10 of them in every store.

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