Breeding gouramis?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 6, 2005
Just wondering if anyone has had success in breeding any gouramis? If so, what types of things seem to help to get them to breed?
I've had succes with honey gouramis.
I've let them breed in my main tank, but this simply worked because they were the dominant species in that tank and I have tons of surface plants. It would be advisable to set up breeding tank to get good results.
Toirtis said:
Which species are you interested in info on?
Just want to know people's experiences and what seems to work with them in breeding any kind of gouramis.
I know a guy at the Greater City Aquarium Society of NYC who breeds gouramis. His name is Al Priest. He has shared his techniques (esp. low pH) with me before, so I'm sure he'd welcome an inquisitive aquarist's questions. I'll PM you his email.
Hm, and what are the common names, if there are, for those last 3. I know the first two are the Pearl and Dwarf.
I recently got a pair of blue gouramies and dropped them into my 55 gallon that has floating plants in it. I noticed that as soon as they were in the male began courting the female. If you dont have alot of surface plants then u need to turn your filter down to have less surface agitation. Youll need hiding places for th female so she wont get beaten up. The male will build a bubblenest and eventually eggs will be floating around. Its advsabel to have water levels at about 8 inches so something like a 20 gallon long or a 40g breeder tank would be best. After about a day or two eggs hatch and the baby gouramies will be looking for cover. Theyre tiny, about the size of...idk 3 mm maybe. Cant give any more info because mine are only 4 days old lol.
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