Breeding kribensis

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 29, 2015
I have a pair of kribensis that have bred for the 3rd time in my community 46 gallon. None of the fry make it past a few days. I cycled a 20 gallon high with the purpose of putting them in it. My question is should I just put them alone in the 20 or should I put some dither fish, say zebra danios ( they seem not to bother the fry)?
Are you thinking they are just getting eaten by the parents or community fish?

Or are you wondering if the new fry are eating? Are you also needing info on what to feed them? There are fry foods made tiny for new fish, they would probably prefer live foods, like micro worms and similar and baby brine shrimp and vinegar eels maybe.

I have heard they want to eat tiny little things which live on plants and Java Moss, DW, rock, etc., called aufwiches -microscopic live things most often in a matured tank. So a nice mature clump of Java Moss may help or other similar idea with other plants.

So their own tank might be a good option.

The parents might eat them eventually, especially when they are getting towards mating again. So it could be some trial and error on the timing to remove the fry or the parents. Also to get the foods ready.

I haven't had these guys specifically so that's most the help I can offer.
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