breeding mollies Q

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 12, 2006
ok i have a 3 1/2" black sailfin male molly. hes huge! the female mollies i have are half his size or smaller. will he mate with any of these females? i woudl like to see a cross between him and my female silver molly
I would not be surprised if they interbred. Are there other males in the tank? He'll have to compete against the others. Keep in mind that mollies can hang onto sperm from previous matings, so it may take a few drops before the new male's DNA starts showing up.
i got the one huge black sailfin and one 1 1/2" gold dust male. so basically hes the leader, but hasnt mated with anyone. i have seen the golddust male stick his fin on the femal gold dust, but the black hasnt done a thing.

and i have two females, gold dust and silver
they will interbreed. I had some female black mollies and a male dalmation sailfin. I have their first generation floating in my tank right now. They haven't yet produced offspring, but they are a varied mix between all black and nearly all white.
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