breeding Otocinclus Catfish and American Flags

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 26, 2011
Lansing, Michigan, USA
So I've done plenty of research and I am setting up a 65 breeder and going to put 4 American Flags (1 male 3 female) and probably 6 Otos. I need more plant ideas. I am going to have a LOT of Hornwort, Crypts, a medium Amazon Sword (rooted in the sponge filter... probably going to add another spongefilter with same setup) and possibly some Hygro-grassy stuff from my 150 gallon tank... any more ideas?
I will upload a picture of the 20 gallon setup I have as a temporary until i have the money for the 5 bags Eco-Complete substrate when I'm able to... I am posting this off my cellphone.
All I know is how to breed otos so I can't really help you with american flags or plants suggestions
From what I remember I did this:BREEDING OTOCINCLUS

Breeding tank size: ten gallons
Number of Ottos : 3 1F 2M
Tank temperature: 25 c

Conditioning: to condition Ottos you will need a tank which has algae . Supplement their diet with blanched spinach or zucchini. Driftwood carries algae and is therefore a good decor for a breeding setup. They are herbivorous but I have been able to feed mine frozen bloodworms. The female will develop a rounder stomach due to being filled with eggs, whereas the males will remain streamlined.

Breeding :
Spawning is triggered by water changes using water that is a few degrees cooler than that temperature of the water in the tank. Like cory catfish the Ottos form a T shape. Not much more is known on breeding because it is accidental .
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