Breeding Swords

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 6, 2004
Kingston, Jamaica
What do I do? I have a 20 gal with no live plants but with rock ledges and plastic plants. I was told that my swords will breed but because of my lack of shelter the fry won't survive. How apart from live plants can I assist in providing them with a better shot of surviving?
I find the best way is just to have hiding spots. For me this is live plants, but fake plants will work fine as will rocks. Some fry will get eaten but some will survive.

If you really want to save as many fry as possible (and this can be a lot), then I suggest getting another tank setup (5 gallon or so) and place the mom in there before she gives birth. The mom will hold off on eating young while delivering and when she is done you can move her back to the main tank while the fry grow up.

Swords can have anywhere from 10-50 fry on average.
The best possible way is to have another tank. But if you want a cheaper way, get a tank divider and divide the tank before the female gives birth.
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