Breeding Tanks Build

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Lol so i went and bought the rosboras i got 5 of them and i also picked up an air pump and an Anubias Petite for $4!!!! Heaps cheap pictures soon my camera is dead.
Goldfish? Rasboras? I thought this was a breeding tank for Rams?
Yes but these fish are "ageing" the aquarium because blue rams dont like young aquariums and when i think its been long enough the herquliun rosboras will go into another tank i have
I did a rescape *slap face*




I like it. I will like it more when the anubias and moss attach to the rock and you can lose the strings :)

My only critique would be it is a little too symetrical. I like a tank to have a more "triangular" apearance... i.e. something pretty tall on one side, rather than having everything centered. This is just personal preference however :) What matters is, Do YOU like it?!
Well im still a little ify about it i think i might go and get another rock or two. And the anubias and stuff only just got on there so ill wait a little while before i snip
I think some kind of low growing compact plant would look awesome in the front right corner... like a crypt wendtii. Would add a little reddish color too.
glosso would be awesome... it will spread everywhere though (not that that is bad). I would do the glosso, and some other small, compact, centerpiece type plant. But that is me :) I like my tanks jammed full of plants, as you can tell from most of my photos. Trying to keep that backed off a bit in my newest tank.
try a crypt spiralis??? Hopefully someone knows what plant I am trying to talk about. I really like the tank but I would agree with Fort about the preference of having a more open middle. Even if it was just one rock...

What fish are you planning on having with your Rams? I wish someone would have told me my serpai were fin nippers, they nip at my male rams long fins keeping them shorter, and look a little duller. IMO I would avoid nippy fish and your male will look better.
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