Bristlenose fry...a question!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 22, 2012
My two lovely bristlenoses have (which I didn't know about until I found the fry) have bred and now have lots of teeny fry around my 200L community.

They are around 1.5cm on average.

My rummies mouthes are too small to cause much harm to the fry, but my bleeding hearts are fully grown and have mouthes big enough to easily devour any of the fry.

I have a 25/30L spare tank and was thinking should I move them over to there?

I would probably have a small layer of substrate, some rocks from my community, I would move filter media from my 200L into there, so the tank would be pretty well established if you see what I mean. Would that be a good idea, because I fear that they will soon all be eaten, and finding food in the tank is hard for them, plus the current is very strong.

If I were to set up another tank, would it be worth keeping it "bare bottomed" or putting substrate in there? Should I do daily small PWCs and provide fresh veg every day?

I was thinking sweet potato, courgette, cucumber, lettuce (what type?) and not sure what else!

So, does this sound ok to move about 15 or so babies into until they're big enough to not be food!

Move them over to 25/30L tank which I will add established filter media and water from their large aquarium
Provide cover
Cover filter with thin layer to prevent fry from being sucked in
Feed veg/algae wafers daily
Do daily 30-40% PWCs due to veg
When big enough, move some back to big tank and then sell when ready

Does that sound ok, or not? :)
Also had an accidentally breeding with two albino bristle noses. Don't even know how I spotted the two fry in my 100 gallon. Unfortunately lost them to the filter or hungry fish.

Would like to know your experiences, because I'm going to keep my mating pair it looks like
In the end, I kept the tank as it was, but I rehomed by bleeding heart tetras and stocked it with more rummynoses and some cardinals to ensure that the fish in there aren't too big and likely to try and eat the fry.

I unfortunately haven't had any success with any fry surviving, despite having a couple of batches, but I am not sure what the reason for this is. It could be lack of food, being pecked at by the other fish...I have no idea!

Currently have an ich outbreak so desperately hoping I don't lose my pair of bristlenoses

I think if there is adequate food and cover, they will probably have a fair chance so I am going to see how it goes supposing I can get my tank back to it's full health again!

Sorry, not very helpful I know :oops:

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