brown stuff

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 28, 2006

I know that thiese are probably simple newbie questions but I have to ask them.
Idon't have a d-camera

I've suddenly got a large amount of brown sediment on my rocks and sand.

And I know have hundreds of tiny little worms on my glass, the average is about 5 mm long and the thickness of a thick hair,

is this normal

The brown sediment you are seeing are probably diatoms, completely normal when your tank has just been set up. How long has it been set up?

I can't remember the name of the little worms, but I also had them when I set up my tanks. (Although FW tanks, I think they are the same for both SW and FW)
They dissapear over time, and will reappear if you overfeed.

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