BTA is eating ricordia!?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 2, 2003
philadelphia. PA.
A ricordia mushroom that decided to detach itself had been swept to close to the BTA and is now being consumed by it! Does this pose a threat to the BTA? I don't recall rics being aggresive, but some help would be appreciated. The BTA is closed around the ric and the maroon clown is holding down the fort, so I don't want to disturb the BTA too much and also be attacked :roll: by the clown, unless really necessary.
The anemone may just end up spitting it out but it should not be a concern. If it gets free, might want to place it in a shallow tupperware bowl with some rubblerock that will allow it to attach. That is, providing it survives the ordeal.

FWIW, you can put on a pair of rubber gloves and rescue it. Just watch the clown does not find any exposed skin .. LOL :wink:

The anemones' tentacles started shrivelling up so I went ahead and took the plunge, gently scooping the mushroom out and wedging it, for lack of a better word, were it could attach itself. Me- 1, Clown- 0, atleast until tomorrow :D
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