bubble tip reef safe?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 9, 2006
I wanted to pick up a bubble tip anemone for my clowns to host to (hopefully...) but i read up on them, and it says they can sting corals.
does this mean they cant be kept with corals at all? or that they should be kept away from them? but they also can move, so are should i worry about that?
also, will the clowns feed the anenome (provide they host to it)?
appreciate the help!

They are reef safe, however I would reconsider in a 29 gal. They can grow up to a foot and they expand if the light is not good enough for them. How long has your tank been up and running?

They should not be touching other corals.

They will move but I believe when they find a place they like, they will usually stay unless something changes.

There is no gaurentee the clown will host but they will feed it if they host, and food is available.
the tanks been running for about 3 months. Im getting a 130 wat light for it. are there any corals that you would recommend that clowns like to host to? that way they wouldnt take over the whole tank. there was a torch coral at my LFS that looks like an anenome, would that do?
Mike gave some great advice. I would wait for the tank to mature to 9-12 months. Clowns will host whatever they feel comfortable in. I have heard of them hosting phs, frog spawns and mine hosted the corner of my tank.
Yes they can sting other corals. I have one and both my clowns totally ignore it and host a bubble coral and a pagoda cup. There is no sure thing here.
You really should not put the anenome in a 3 month old because they really need an established tank and can foul up your tank good if they die. Also, they really need strong light.

4.4 wpg is good for zoos, and soft corals. Ex. Muschrooms, zoos, polyps, and asst. soft corals. research to fins exact light needs or ask here.

Here is a start


I have a pic of my clown hosting a zoo and they usually will fins something to host.

Check this out. My clown loves it.

There really is not a "reef safe" anemone. Some are just more docile then others. The bubble tip is a good choice for a reef. I agree on waiting a few more months before getting one. 130watts of CF lighting over a 29gal tank should be okay for a BTA and a large variety of soft and LPS corals.
The only real way a BTA isn't truly reef safe is if they move around allot. If they move around allot and they move when they are not happy where they are i.e. something is wrong, either they are looking for more light, more or less flow, better water chemistry, whatever, they don't really like to move unless they have to. I put mine in the tank about a month ago, he moved the first night and has stayed put ever since.

Make sure you have your rockwork built up with allot of crevices for the BTA, they like to hide their feet from the light in crevices.

My clown totally ignores the ameone right now, and is happy hosting a rock indentation near the bottom of the tank.

But first I would definitely wait until the tank is more established, I waited about a yr before I got one. Take the time to read up on them, becaue there are things they will do that make you think they are dieing, like the first time you see him excrete waste, WOW. Alarm bells went off, even though I had read about what was supposed to happen.

They are very simply constructed biologically, therefore very delicate. They don't have allot of defense against bad water quality or climate.

Good Luck.

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