Bubbles or ick? Plus fin problem.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 11, 2011
Hopkinsville, KY
I have a barb which I have now isolated. It appears to be covered in bubbles but they are tiny so it could be ick. I'm just not sure. Plus s/he is not moving the right side fin at all. Just keeps it at the side.

Water conditions:
Ammo: 0
Nitrites: < .25
nitrates: 5 ppm
Ph 8.0
I do daily water changes depending on what my liquid (API test kit shows). You can see what my conditions have been by going to the freshwater getting started page and reading the log for 10 gal fish in cycle. All the numbers I posted there are before my water changes.

Thanks in advance for the help. I will continue to try to get a pic.
Ok they are definitely bubbles. They floating off him, rising to the surface, and disappearing. Still don't get what's up.


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well it appears the barb died today before i could get to the pet store to figure out what i could do... :banghead: its really weird it just started acting strange last night... :(
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