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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 30, 2004
New Jersey, USA
I am 2 - 3 months away from starting my first FOWLR Tank. I am beginning to understand the concept of a sump, skimmer, and overflow. What I am still confused about is why you do not want bubbles to go into a SW tank? My experience with fresh water was bubbles are great with a fish only tank. With a heavily planted tank pump in the CO2 and keep the bubbles out. Of which I understand...........Why no bubbles in a SW?

One more thing,,,,,,,,,thin layer of live sand,,,,thick layer of live sand,,,,,base rock on the glass bottom of the tank, or base rock on top of the initial layer of sand.

I expect all different responses,,,,,,,,,,but this is a forum to learn,,,,,,,if I goof up I will just blame it on myself <G>
Like you said, you will get different responses on these particular topics. Most bubbles in a marine tank are more annoying than harmful. Some bubbles get so bad that you can hardly see anything in the tank, which takes away from the look. I'm not sure why, but it may have to do with the salinity.
There are lots of opinions on substrate layers. From what I have read and understand is that there are 2 options that will work: A 1 - 1 1/2 inch layer of sand, or a 4 - 5" layer. It seems that due to detrius and such, that there is no in between. Maybe someone else could chime in on this part.
If you have the opportunity, put the rock in first, then add the sand in. This helps to secure the rock from falling over as some fish are burrowers and may ocassionally knock them over. That is my 2 cents. HTH

My .02 on bubbles. I have actually found that when the level in my sump gets low....the water coming back from the skimmer makes eoungh distortion that the distorted water is going back into the main tank as bubbles....if it gets low enough the whole tank is bubbles
Bubbles are annoying in a marine environment. It seems that bubbles in a FW environment are more isolated, so it actually looks nice.

I hate bubbles too....I run some in my 29 SW just for the kicks of having a sunken boat that my brother bought me. Other than that, the 180 gets no bubbles. I bought new tops so I wouldn't have the evaporation problem that lowered the water level in my sump that caused bubbles...I hate bubbles...if you can't tell
Bubbles, I would have never thought I would get different opinions that quick. Well, at least I learned don't worry. I have learned so much here!!!!!

SW, thin layer of live sand with base rock layiing on bottom tank glass? OK?
Yeah, I would go about 1 - 1 1/2 inch layer. Put the rock in and position it where you want it first, then add the sand. You should be ok.

I think one of the differences in a SW vs. FW tank with the bubbles is that in a FW tank an bubblewand makes nice big bubbles that look decorative, I guess. I've got a bubble wall in my goldfish tank and though it hardly looks natural it's a nice effect and the fish like it. In a SW tank, most people are going for a "natural" look . . . the bubbles most of us fight are the microbubbles that come from skimmers and pumps. They aren't attractive at all--mine look like sand blowing around the tank and they're just plain ugly. I have heard people say things like airstones cause salt creep, which may be true, but I think it's really more of an aesthetic thing at heart.
Read these Articles then come back ask more questions :wink:

Be warned that FOWLR wants to be a reef in a year or less. :wink: :wink: so plan ahead.

Bare bottom, SSB or DSB?
Sump, refugium, both or neither?
Skimmer, wet/dry? More questions and more research for you. Any of these combinations can work.

Some things can be agreed on. Get the largest tank you can afford to start with but don't forget the cost of the equipment goes up with the tank size, so take that into account.
Lighting -- start with CF or VHO, not the NO bulbs that come in a standard top or lfs package deal.

Rock on the bottom and then sand on top it. It keeps the rock from shifting.

You're in Jersey. I'm in Jersey too! What exit :D
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