Bullfrog Tadpole

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 8, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
I recently got my tadpole about a week ago. He was the biggest and most developed in his tank. His back legs have come in fully and it looks as if his eyes are starting to rise up on his head (like frog's eyes), and his front legs are just barely beginning to form. He is currently in a 10 gallon community aquarium. I have a question and a concern. My question is when should I move him from an aquarium to a half and half frog habitat? I don't want to move him before it's necessary, but I don't want him to drown either. My concern is about my filter. The water level comes to about half an inch under the filter's little "waterfall". Once my tadpole starts to get his arms, will he try to jump out of the water and into my filter? If so, what can I do to make sure he doesn't?


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You can try and fit a filter media bag over the outflow, so he'll just hit that instead, and the water can still flow out freely.
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