buy a lionfish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 21, 2005
now since i had some feedback on their diet i would like to know of somewhere i can purchase on that has been fed correctlty. i was at beldts in st louis and they were feeding it feeder guppies so i dont want to buy that one. so i would like to buy a baby one to feed correctly and longlife
I would buy one locally even if it is eating guppies. At least you know it's eating. You can wean it off guppies. Mine was started off on guppies and ghost shrimp. I gutloaded the feeders with some cyclops and flakes before feeding them out. If you know it's eating, weaning really isn't that hard. Lions have insatiable appetites and will eat if hungry enough. It will take time and patience on your part though. Good luck.
On a related note, if anyone in the Toronto area sees nice Dwarf Lions for sale, do tell! Jeff
anyone in oregon area want a fully raised large volitan lion....trained to eat prepared foods....let me know hes for sale cheap....hes big his fin span takes up a five gallon bucket
sorry cant help you much ive only had my dwarf for a week and its very strange with its eating habits....put a live fish and its gone...put a live worm and it looks and almost attacks but doesnt....put frozen krill somedays it eats it and somedays it doesnt
definitely starting with a small lion would be better. plus I recommend that you just feed him frozen lance fish. break them up into individual fish then feed with a feeding stick initially then just sorta let the current take individual fish. You have to be patient with him. Mine took almost 3 wks before he started to eat regularly. I still have to break up the fish for him now (a year later) but he swims up to me and eats almost out of my hand.

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