Calling anyone with coral please take a look to see if right

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 24, 2003
Pittsburgh PA
Hello all please take a look at my first coral..It's a bubble coral and it is in light it high or low enough in the tank. Also as you can see mine is more of a row of bubbles than a mound do you think it's ok.. It has been home 3 days now and last night eagerly ate a small and by small I mean 1/4 inche piece of krill. It's not glued to that rock but as you can see it is kinda wedged like that on the rock.. should I make more of an effort to stand it straight up at 90 degrees or will it be ok how it is at about 45? I promise I did my research it's just some of these questions are second nature to you coral folks (which I am very happy to start to be a part of) and really it's hard for a newb to get these kind of answers .. no matter how many sites I go too. Thank you so much for your time I really appreciate it and any comments or suggestions will be followed you guys have been so great so far..

Thanks agian
I am really just worried how it is at a 45 degree angle instead of the 90 others seem to have..

Thanks agian fish..

Well, I think your angle is good... but I wonder about it's depth. It doesn't need a ton of light... but I'm thinking it would open more if it were higher up in the water column. Of course, you'd need more rock to do that, hehehe...

It looks healthy enough, nothing that says it's doing poorly. But some corals take a while to open all the way. 3 days isn't a long time... I'd wait until it's been in the tank a week, if it still hasn't bloomed out into a pile of bubbles you might want to get it closer to the lights.

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