camera question...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 24, 2004
i notice that you guys take AWESOME pics of your tanks... i have tried many time to take pictures with the digicam. i have never once been able to get the quality and clarity of some of the ones on this site. my question is: what cameras does everyone use? i have a Canon PowerShot S200. is this a capable camera and maybe the problem is with the operator?!! i just wish that i could take pics like some that i have seen on here. thanks for all the wonderful pics of eveyones tanks, fish, etc. hope that someone can help!

I use my Cannon Powershot A300, ISO set at 50 and stable hands.

I either tank my pictures with the flash off with my camera pressed against the glass, or I turn the flash on and keep my camera between 1 and 3 feet away.
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