Can a 90g be done w/o a sump?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 7, 2004
Cheshire County, New Hampshire
I have this big fear of flooding because of some kind of sump malfunction, etc.. and I'm very leery of getting a tank drilled, etc.

So, can it be done?

Should I go with a 75 instead?
Sure you can do a 90 gal with out a sump. There is nothing magic about a sump that makes it the only way to keep a larger sized tank.

Just means you have to have everything hang on the back or be in the tank like heaters and skimmers, etc.
You might look into a DAS set up (Dutch Aquarium System), all filters etc are in a compartment inside the tank which is camoflaged to look like the back of the tank, pretty cool for those that want intersting stands and just don't want a sump.
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