Can a saltwater tank become a freshwater tank?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 6, 2006
McKinney, TX
If it was used for saltwater (with an eclipse hood/filter) and 30 gallon tank. Can that be used as a freshwater later on, or once you go salt, you dont go back?

Sure it can. Just make sure you rinse it out well to get all the salt off. Is this just the tank, or equipment too? If so, what equipment do you have with it?
Devilishturtles said:
Sure it can. Just make sure you rinse it out well to get all the salt off. Is this just the tank, or equipment too? If so, what equipment do you have with it?
biowheel filter.... (marineland hood/light/filter combo). should rinse out well I believe.
I'd replace the biowheel if I were you. They are relatively inexpensive. I'd imagine the used one is pretty saturated with saltwater. If you chose not too, I'd run it in an empty fw tank for a few days to get all the salt out.
Ever thought about a brackish tank? I'm not sure that you'd have to rinse out all the equipment as thorough, but there are some really awesome brackish water fish! It is still a good idea to rinse everything though because you never know what kind of contaminants are in the tank after sitting for so long.
I personaly think if there is a once you go you dont go back would only apply to copper treatment and inverts.

so sure salt to fresh or brackish (or the reverse) would be fine unless copper and inverts are involved. :p
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