can anyone help my red tale black shark

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 1, 2005
my red taled black shark has started acting funny
breathing from the surface
laying on rocks and plants
and the tale has started loosing its redness (going clear)

i love this fish even though small i want to keep it for ages

oh and how can i tell if its male or female?

please can anyone help

i need it
How long have you had the Red Tail? What other fish are in the tank? What are your water conditions? How long has your tank been setup?

Our LFS sold me 2 red tail's the other week and I didnt know you couldnt have them both together so we had to take one back. The one we took back was being abused by the other red tail.

I'm not real sure how to sex the red tail.
It sounds like enviromental stress.. is there another fish picking on it?
when was the last time you changed the water, if it wasnt today or yesterday I would do that now.. HTH
the shark has died after about 2 hrs of posting the topic
i think it was dropsy
it started swimming upside down
then died

not a great day
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