Can anyone help with this situation?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 17, 2011
Maryland, USA
Alright guys I need some help.

I recently moved out of my parents house and into an apartment. My apartment isn't big enough for me to bring all of my tanks. Now, my parents are selling the house, and I still have some fish left over there. Fish that I couldn't bring to the apartment.
I have an old man Krib who has battled diseases and is pretty much completely blind. My first cichlid, still kicking. I can bring the other fish to a local fish store and donate them but I just can't bring the old Krib there. He actually needs some special treatment and he will most likely be neglected and die at a fish store.

I don't know what to do. No friends can take him, and I simply dont have room for him at my apartment.

Any ideas? :( :nono:
Since he was your first fish I am surprised that he wasn't the first tank you set up in your apt. :( Maybe someone in your area will have a heart and care for him with the Craig's list idea. :)
Post an ad here, pennysaverusa dot com, craigslist , ebay classifieds, recycler, facebook, twitter, etc..etc good luck
Thanks everyone for the responses. Craigslist is a good idea, I can't believe it slipped my mind. Thanks for that. Also, the reason I didn't bring him is because he would be picked on by my other fish so I've had him in a 15g by himself. Lol he's so blind that he would never get any food, I have to hand feed him with tweezers! I stick it right in front of his mouth and he picks at it until he gets it. haha

Anyway, thanks again for the responses. I knew people on this site would understand! :)
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